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STILL scissor lifts, 3 pcs.
1.000 DKK
Zone 16
02.01.2025 13:46
HUSQVARNA FS5000D concrete/asphalt cutter
76.000 DKK
07.01.2025 12:16
AC workshop jack, nimalift waste oil drain trolley and RAZE gearbox lift
700 DKK
07.01.2025 12:40
UMEÅ FORSLJNING AB grab/dumping grab with quick change.
4.100 DKK
07.01.2025 13:18
SWEPAC and KMR 11 rammer/plate vibrator, with HONDA GX 160, petrol engine
1.500 DKK
07.01.2025 13:34
KAESER MOBILAIR M31 compressors, with KUBOTA diesel engine
5.100 DKK
07.01.2025 13:38
Miscellaneous equipment
500 DKK
07.01.2025 13:40
BSV tile pliers
Zone 5
09.01.2025 12:02
New Holland T3040F tractor with Epoke TP3 trailed tractor, P. OLSSONS V-plough and FM-M1 broom
31.000 DKK
09.01.2025 12:06
New Holland T3040F tractor with Epoke TP3 trailed tractor, v-plough and FM-MI Kost
33.000 DKK
09.01.2025 12:14
STENSBALLE mechanical broom with PTO
09.01.2025 12:18
WEBER CR 5E soil compactor and RISHAUG pallet lifter
1.100 DKK
Zone 9
09.01.2025 12:22
KLIPPO, FLYMO lawn mowers
09.01.2025 12:26
CEDIMA asphalt cutter
09.01.2025 12:32
HUSQVARNA and STIHL tools in mixed lot
09.01.2025 12:34
New Holland T3040 tractor with Epoke TP3 trailed tractor, v-plough and 2 brooms
41.500 DKK
09.01.2025 13:26
EPOKE B 220 hydraulic broom with swing
2.100 DKK
09.01.2025 13:32
Construction site/festival fence from BGFIX
4.000 DKK
Zone 20
14.01.2025 12:10
MORSØ list bending machine from HENNING HANSEN
600 DKK
14.01.2025 12:46
NEW HOLLAND T6020, 4WD, EC Tractor
38.000 DKK
Zone 7
14.01.2025 12:50
SPEARHEAD Multicut Rotary Mower model 460
5.000 DKK
14.01.2025 12:54
RINIERI flail mower model BRV 400
2.500 DKK
14.01.2025 12:58
Miscellaneous tools/equipment - 1 pallet
14.01.2025 13:02
36 pcs BIG-BAG X-AIR bags
14.01.2025 13:06
5 pallets of various CLEANING ITEMS
14.01.2025 13:10
FERRIS IS 700Z Zeroturn mower
10.000 DKK
14.01.2025 13:22
HUSTLER FASTRAK Zeroturn mower
14.01.2025 13:26
JOHN DEERE 3720 HST M/HUS M/41X1, e Hydro tractor
20.000 DKK
14.01.2025 13:30
KUBOTA ST 30 with Epoke TP3 spreader including remote control in the driver's cabin
25.000 DKK
14.01.2025 13:34
BAASTRUP trailer with tip converted to gravel paver
14.01.2025 13:38
5.300 DKK
14.01.2025 13:42
Assorted lot of WINDOWS/DOORS - 4 window sections - 1 door
14.01.2025 13:50