MERCEDES BENZ 240 GD/28, 4 x 4, DEOS, 24 V
KM display: 216.352 km
The vehicle has been started and driven at the location.
There is 1 key for the vehicle.
There is a stone chip in the windshield.
The lights and mirrors have scratches, the left mirror is defective.
A defective light has been found - the rear marker light is defective.
The handle/handle has scratches, the window lifter on the left door is defective.
The vehicle has a towbar - prodskruk and 24 V electrical connector, 12 pin.
Estimated remaining tire tread: approx. 7 mm
There are 2 seats including the driver's seat.
Door trims on both sides are defective.
There is rust in the left front and rear fenders, the left panel, the tailgate, the right door bottom and the roof.
There are dents on the hood, radiator grille, right rear fender, right door and roof.
The vehicle has various defects, scratches, dents and corrosion.
The vehicle has not been fully functional tested.
See pictures and the *specifications* tab for more information's.
The vehicle cannot be inspected before bidding.
There has not been paid Danish registration fee on this vehicle.
Sold without license plates.
The vehicle is only sold with a release certificate from the Ministry of Defence's Material and Procurement Agency, sold without a registration certificate.
The buyer will be responsible for start-up, loading and removal of the vehicle.
At pick up the buyer can NOT expect assistance for loading and lashing of vehicles.
The vehicle MUST be picked up within 30 days of auction end
NOTE: For purchases from another EU country, the cost of mandatory export documentation fees will be added.
B2B Auctions A/S handle the sale of this vehicle on behalf of the owner.
ATTENTION: As auction equipment in some cases is picked up long after it has been inspected, the functionality of batteries, brakes that get stuck, electrical faults and similar, and faults directly due the fact the equipment is not being used, can therefore not be guaranteed.
B2B number | 63412 60999 |
Is the Danish registration fee on this vehicle paid?: |
VAT is to be added when sold in DK: |
Propellant: |
Started: |
Cabinet condition: |
Has holes
General overall assessment: |
C: The vehicle may have major faults, defects or possibly construction changes.